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upcoming events

Fall Music Series
Live Music every Friday 7-9pm.
Nov. 15 Steve Hanna, Nov. 22 Rob Rainer, Nov. 29 Steve Stacey, Dec. 6 Bill Cameron, Dec. 13 Cattail Creek, Dec. 20 The Weekend Specials, Dec. 27 Tim Loten, Jan. 3 Tim Loten, Jan. 10 Nolan Giroux
Nov. 15 Steve Hanna, Nov. 22 Rob Rainer, Nov. 29 Steve Stacey, Dec. 6 Bill Cameron, Dec. 13 Cattail Creek, Dec. 20 The Weekend Specials, Dec. 27 Tim Loten, Jan. 3 Tim Loten, Jan. 10 Nolan Giroux

Bend+Brew Yoga Night
Bring your mat and enjoy a pint. Thursday Dec. 5th 6pm RSVP here...

Lagers + Joggers
Running Club every Tuesday 6:00pm. Make friends, stay fit and cool down with a cold $7 pint. Click to view map route.

Silent Book Club
Last Wednesday of every month 6-8pm Canning Room
(click to RSVP)
(click to RSVP)

Sketch Club
First Tuesday of every month. All skill levels welcome. 6-8pm

Babes + Brews
First Thursday of every month. 12-2pm No purchase necessary! Come hang out and socialize.

Celtic Jam Session
Every other Monday (starting Sept 9.) Listen or join in 6:30-9:30pm

Art Bar Night for Grownups!
Join us for cold pints and creativity on Art Bar Night! Third Thursday of every month. Use the provided mixed media materials or bring your own, no instruction, no rules, just fun. 6-8pm RSVP for free! Donations to restock supplies appreciated.
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